13 going on 14
Sengkang Secondary School
I love sleeping and eating , its so fun
I like sleeping
I hate waking up and people waking me up when i sleep ..


designed by q|en

pump a heartbeat to me-`

please adjust your tagboard size accordingly so that the sidescrollbar wouldnt come out
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers Day Everybody ..
Mothers Is The First God Den Come Everything After Her.
Even father --
So worship ur mum and celebrate her day Well xD.

"M" is for the million things she gave me,
"O" means only that she's growing old,
"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,
"H" is for her heart of purest gold;
"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
"R" means right, and right she'll always be,
Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER,"
A word that means the world to me.

Dun Forget to wish ur mother a happy mother's day xD..
Without her we wont be around so treasure her ..

Well Posting now at1.04am --
Listening to songs
Btw , i scared nalini with my scary stuff--
Too bad those didnt work on para and aishu -.-
Went to punggol plaze to buy food for my family
Den something gay happen ..
I saw miss.neo ..
All of a sudden i look down at my socks and my shirt --
den i realise it was not skool
GAY --
Den jumped on my bro and whacked him for fun
HE started crying :P
Den i kick him den he stop crying
Tell me , arent i a good bro xD.

[dreamt `]
at 10:01 AM

Saturday, May 9, 2009
ZOMG guess what
Last time i post, it was on 12 Feb 2009
Now Im Posting , 12 May 2009 .
Its exactly 3 months --
Can u believe i was that lazy .
well its hard to keep a blog alive u know --
hu cares anyway . today shaquille pestered me on what to do
it was late at nite and he ask me what to do
he says he's bored --
i told him to go jump down the building
he say LOL

heres some late updates ,
1)Next Exam Is On Thursday .
2)Good luck in exam


[dreamt `]
at 9:19 AM

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Blogging After Realli Long Time ==
Tired Blog Sia .. CCA CCA CCA ==
Haiz So Tired ..
At Skool .. == URGH

Bored So Here Are The Nicknames Of My ClassMates ( regarded to me )
-Manbra Aka SorriNaiyeh[StrayDog]
-YogiBear { Officialy Me == }
-BodySoda(From Pokkiri)
-KeddiSoda(From Pokkiri Abit Change)
-Dog (Is A Gurl Btw)
-Fatty(Is Oso A Girl)
-PigFace Aka Teacher's Dog
-Squirell Aka Puchini[Nerd Wif Spec]
-Prahbuly Aka FatNerd .. Jasper Cre8
-Horny Mama [ Jasper ***]
-Botak [Double Promotion Eh ?]
-Kid [Oso Double Promotion]
-TeddyBear [Loser Of The Rc]

Ok HuEver Are Guilty I Am Sorry HAHAX
No Offence ah ..
Good Enuf Nvr Put Name Nia
Hope u knoe Hu Is That All xD
Well Still Bored So Here Are My Top Tamil Song Ranking ==

1)Adiyeh Kolluthe - Vaarnam 1000
2)Nenjukull Peidhidum - Vaarnam 1000
3)Vechikava Unnai - Silambattam
4)Where Is The Party - Silambattam
5)Maachan Maachan - Silambattam
6)Vada Naapiley - Villu
7)Yethi Yethi Yethi - Vaarnam 1000
8)Mundhinam Partheneh - Vaarnam 1000
9)Ava Enneh Thedi - Vaarnam 1000
10)Nee Kobapattal - Villu

English Song Another Day Nia

[dreamt `]
at 2:29 AM

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Hi all
Posting Yea ..
Well Today Was Boring Duh
Very Sleepy In Class Deh ..
Fall Asleep 2 Times --
I Cut My Hand Wif Scissors To Keep Me Awke
EMO x.x
Pain Is The Onli Way To Stay Awke For Boys Dude ..
I Went Around Punching The Wall Like A Retarded ==

Stupid Saha And Praveen ..
Pull Their Birdy Ah !!
I Put One Dollar Coin Inside Vending Machine
Stupid Saha And Praveen Go Press The Soya Bean When I Wanted To Buy Coke
Haiz !!
*Kicks Them In The Butt*

Den Went Home Wif Willard ; Jasper and Prahbu ==
Willard When Home Halfway --
i ; jasper and prabhu Went Sculpture
Den Play Play Play and kenna Pissed By Compassvale Sec Student
Nvm .. Darn .. Forget it xD
Den Go Nearby Vending Machine Bought Rootbeer --
I put The Money Inside I Can Get My Drink
Jasper Put Inside Money Gone ..
The Vending Machine Loves Me
*Sayang The Vending Machine* o.0
Den Jasper Own Me 1.60 ==
Aiya See Him Small Nia
Take It As Tip Dude ==

Well Thats All Bitxhes .. OOPS ==
^^ Bye

[dreamt `]
at 1:44 AM

Sunday, December 28, 2008
Lol Hi Again .. Lol Got More Pics But Lazy Upload ==
Anyway .. im blogging 4 The past Few Days

Went to Buy Books ==
Be4 Went So Dam Crowded ..
So Treated kfc To Prahbu ..
Den Ate Till Full ==
Den Go Skool See Q Abit Lesser lah
So Yea xD Go Q up !!
Onli Some Book Haven Buy --
Took Taxi Home
Yea Thts All xD

When Potal Thingi .. It Was Dam Cold ==
I Was Freezing ==
Bought Lots Of BubbleGum And Chewing Gums
First Time I Saw Until A Waterfall xD
It Was Damn Beautiful ..
Lol But Cause Of The Rain The Water Muddy ==
*Curses Rain*
Den Reach Home Dam Tired ..
Den Stupid Para And Aishu Gave Me A Fcuking Chrismas Prank ==
Lol Anyway ..

Went To Buy Bag xD ==
Converse One
Converse Rules XDD
Ate At Compass ..
Yea Thts All ==


Wah Today Something So What Happen !!
Me And My Family Went Popular Bought Stuffs For My Bro ..
Den Went Mos Burger
Saw Odilia Thr Working !!
lol Part Time I Guess ==
Den The Fcuking Thing Happened !!
While My Parents Was Ordering Food At Mos
I Was Walking Around The Atm Thr ..
Den One Retarded Guy .. Hu Was The Husband i Guess
Was Standing Beside The Wife ..
Den I Was Walking Behind Dem ..
Den The Retarded Guy Told Her Wife ' Dont Let Pple Look Lah '
Den Wife Turn Around Look At Me
Den The Guys Say ' Block When you Entering Pin No. '
Den I Was Like !!
lol .. i mean Im Onli 13 And You U Think I Wanna Go See pple PIN !!
Stupid Retarded Fellow ==
Why In The World Must I Peek Into Other Pple Pin !!
I Stared At That Guy Man !!
Luckily My Parents Was Thr Or Else I Dont Care He Adult Ah
Scold All The BadWord At Him Alreadi Liou ==
Haiz ..
Lol Bused 83 Home =.=
Stupid Arse Guy !!

[dreamt `]
at 11:21 AM

Hi All..
Here Are Some Of The Photos i took ..
When i went Potak Thingi WaterFall Resort( Malaysia )
.. Yoges And His Wadever Enterprise Presents ...
Potak Thingi .. yea ==

Hi All..
Here Are Some Of The Photos i took ..
When i went Potak Thingi WaterFall Resort( Malaysia )
.. Yoges And His Wadever Enterprise Presents ...
Potak Thingi .. yea ==

[dreamt `]
at 11:08 AM

Saturday, December 20, 2008
1) The person who tagged: Kassandra ==

2) Your relationship with him/her is: Senior

3) Your five impressions on him/her: funny ; kind ; i dont knoe what else to say !!

4) The most memorable thing that he/she had done for you: Call Me A Junior !! haiz

5) The most memorable thing that he/she had said to you: Nil

6) If he/she becomes your lover, you will: Haiz Run Away xD

7) If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be: nothing ;D

8) If he/she becomes your enemy, you will: Sit Down At Home An Shack Legs ==

9) If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be: I Shack Leg Too Much ?

10) The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is: ZZ WHY IS THR SO MANY UNWANTED QUESTION .. i wanna bang the wall

11) Your overall impression of him/her is: Kind Hearted

12) How you think people around you will feel about you? I Go Ask Dem xDD

13) The characteristic you love of yourself are: I Cant Judge Myself ? haiz pathetic -.-

14) On the contrary, the characteristic you hate of yourself are: Sleeping Too Much .. Wait a sec . that is not a characteristic T.T

15) The most ideal person you want to be is: Lee kuan yu .. MAJULA SINGAPURA ==

16) For people who cares and likes you, say something to them: ooh lala !! imma Cared And Liked ? haiz thx guys *gives one thousand kisses*

17) Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wish to know how they feel about you.
; Jasper
; Para
; Aishu
; Jie Hong
; Joane
; SiYing
; Tongxin
; Wan Ting
; Martin
; Shalini

18) Who is no.6 having relationship with? [SiYing] Hu Knows ?

19) Is no. 9 a male or female? [Martin] Shemale .. jkjk he is a male .. xDD

20) If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? [TongXin & Shalini] they dont know each other?!

22) What is no.2 studying about? [Para] Jeyam Ravi ?

23) When is the last time you had a chat with no.3: [Aishu] Friday in Msn

24) What kind of music band does no.8 like: [Wanting] Imma Not Sure Bah

25) Does no.1 have any siblings: [Jasper] He Has One Elder Sis And One Elder Bro .. Poor Jas Youngest :P

26) Will you woo no.3: [Aishu] I Will Nvr Woo A Devil

27) How about no.7: [Tongxin] NO?! Shw Will SKin Me Alive

28) Is no.4 single: [JieHong] MUAHAHAHAHA !! onli i knoe the answer .. i wont tell anyone :P

29) What is the surname of no.5: [Joane] Not Sure

30) What's the hobby for no.4: [Jiehong] Not Sure

31) Does no.5 and 9 get along well? [Joane and Martin] Not Sure ? They Dont Knoe Each Other

32) Where is no.2 studying at? [Para] Skss ..

33) Talk something casual about no.1: [Jasper] He's Horny !! And Fat .. Casual mah

34) Have you tried developing feelings for no.8? [Wanting] NO ?!

35) Where does no.9 live at? [Martin] Houngang I Guess

36) What colour does no.3 likes? [Aishu] Pink ; Purple ; Blue

37) Are no.5 and 1 best friends? [Jasper And Joane] Nope Not At All

38) Does no. 1 have any pets? [Jasper] Last time got Dog I Guess

39) Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world? [TongXin] To Skinny To Be Sexy xDD hahax

40) What is no. 10 doing now? [Shalini] Sms-ing .. 24 hours ==

Haiz What A Tiring Quiz !! i wanna strangle Kassandra .. == haiz anyway its 4.14 am now xDD ooh lala

[dreamt `]
at 11:53 AM